Please find a variety of easy to use worksheets and reference tools that can help you on your journey to better understand yourself. Everything provided is original, though where content is used or adapted from another, they will be clearly identified.
You can download the PDF by clicking on the image associated with the document.
Geenen Roth first developed these 7 guidelines to help us become more aware of our relationship with food and be more intentional about how we cultivate and nurture it. These are not prescriptive but rather are a roadmap to help support us on our way to find a more neutral and sustainable way of eating.
Sometimes we can feel like we are spinning out of control and struggling to understand why we are reacting to something the way that we are. By taking the time to examine the different elements that inform and influence our actions, we can more effectively change what isn't working for us and move towards what will.
(Resource List)
Most of us keep our phones at our fingertips and so using mobile apps to help support our emotional and mental health can be a convenient way to better our selves. Categorized by type, this list can help you become more intentional about taking care of yourself and working towards you goals.
Safe Space Visualization
Coming soon!